Let's do this together!
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We all play a role in improving and protecting our own mental health, choosing effective treatments, managing long-term challenges and conditions, living our best life, and becoming our best self. At Mindoula a hand-picked concierge care team provides the support and navigation to effective treatment you need to achieve your mental health goals… and often those of a loved one too.
Our Concierge Care Program is comprised of four elements:
Around-the-clock virtual and in-person case management
App-based content and virtual coaching to help self-manage complex challenges.
Help for you or your loved ones in finding the right providers
Centered on our respect for the uniqueness and potential of the people we serve, our around-the-clock, team-based and measurement-based care is setting a new standard in behavioral healthcare.
The key to our success is the quality of the trusted bond we earn by caring and not giving up on anyone. We open our hearts to the people we serve because we truly care.
Our Mindoula Messenger app, telehealth platform, and predictive analytics software help us deliver personalized care that significantly reduces the cost of getting and staying better.
We help individuals and families filing for Medicaid, Medicare, SSI, SSDI, food stamps, and housing vouchers. We also help people find new insurance, file claims for the insurance they already have, advocate for them with insurance companies and providers, complete related paperwork, and provide benefits counseling. If benefits change or get canceled, we help contest these changes. We also help when time off from work is needed due to a disability.